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Our Catholic Identity

Saint Mary Magdalen was the first to encounter the Risen Christ, as depicted in all four Gospel accounts. We strive to emulate our patron saint's deep faith, joy, and hope as we integrate our Catholic values and virtues, nourishing a solid moral foundation for a life-long relationship with Jesus Christ.

Like Mary of Magdala, we also bear witness to our Risen Lord, Jesus Christ. Each day at Saint Mary Magdalen School, we aspire to live our Catholic faith in words and actions as His Missionary Disciples. As such, we instill our love of others and incorporate the Gospel teachings to form a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, our Father, and others. Our students actively participate in the following:

●  Daily Religion Classes

●  Weekly Class Mass

●  First Friday School Mass

●  Schoolwide Morning Prayers

●  Schoolwide Afternoon Prayers

●  Attend Penance Services and Confession

●  Sacrament of First Reconciliation in Second Grade

●  Sacrament of First Holy Communion in Second Grade

●  Sacrament of Confirmation in Seventh Grade

●  Altar Service Participation

●  Student and Faculty Adoration Time

●  Disciples of Jesus: Monthly Catholic Virtues Awards

●  Prayer Partnerships between Grades

●  Living Rosary with 4th and 7th Grade Students

●  All Saints Day with a First-Grade Saints Pageant

●  Annual Christmas Show 

●  Stations of the Cross during Lent

●  May Procession with Crowning of Mary with 8th Grade

●  Children's Choir Participation at Scheduled Masses

●  Clergy in School and Campus

●  Culture Project for Students in 7th and 8th Grades

●  After-School Blaze Program for Girls

●  Youth Group Opportunities

●  Crucifix and a Prayer Corner in Each Classroom

●  Religious Icons and Images on Display in the School

●  Monthly Stewardship Projects

●  STREAM Program for 6th-8th Grade Students

●  Teachers are Catechist Certified

●  Monthly Stewardship Projects

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