Home & School
Hello, Parents!
Here are just a few of the things our parent organization does to benefit St. Mary Mary Magdalen Catholic School and our families:
Provide parents and faculty opportunities to work together for the benefit of our students.
Help organize and assist with our school's volunteer programs and raises funds to benefit the school.
H&S plans, sponsors, and supports projects and various activities throughout the school year, including Halloween & Christmas parties for the classrooms, treats for the students throughout the year like snow cones and sundaes, Father & Daughter dance (odd years), Mother & Son outing (even years), faculty & staff birthday, unique milestone or anniversary gifts, school directories for families, a tuition credit raffle for parents who attend all three Home & School meetings each year. We host the New Family Reception, place "Welcome" lawn signs, and provide lunch for volunteers during the annual Santa Shoppe and Field Day events at school.
Our H&S thrives on the involvement of our families, so please consider giving some of your time and talent to one of our many activities or fundraisers that benefit our children and community.
For more information on activities or ways to get involved, don't hesitate to contact any of our board members for assistance.

School Representatives for 2024-2025:
Mrs. Leslie McCarthy
Vice President:
Mrs. Alexis Henderson
Mrs. Jessica Kji
Mrs. Colleen Tashlik
Recording Secretary:
Internal Communications
Mrs. Monica Talluto
Corresponding Secretary:
External Communications
Mrs. Renae Sirkin
Non-Elected School Representatives:
Rev. Eric J. Banecker, Pastor
Mrs. Amy Bauer, Principal