Drama Program
We know that having a creative outlet is not just part of a well-rounded education—it's essential for a child's emotional health and well-being. Producing a show brings the arts together and provides growth opportunities for all varieties of learners. Besides being incredibly fun, musical theater helps young people develop many skills necessary for success. With this in mind, we are thrilled to offer a pilot after-school theater program for all of the budding thespians in our school.
We will start the program with a Spring 2024 production.
What's the show?
Seussical Jr—This is a fun, song-filled show with many opportunities and roles for the kids.
The Show Dates are currently scheduled for May 17-May 19.
Who should audition?
Students in grades 3 through 8 interested in a featured role! Remember—No Experience is needed!
There is no need to audition to participate in the choir. Plus, there are also opportunities to join our stage crew.
To learn more, review the parent letter and interest form below.